Friday, June 8, 2007

Kerrin in a cast!

Well, we had an eventful day today! Kerrin hurt her wrist a week ago Thursday. We thought it was just a sprained wrist. Yesterday she went to her first gymnastics class at the YMCA. She could hardly do a thing, not at all like her normal self. So today we took her for X-rays, and sure enough she fractured her radius bone in her right arm! It is actually right above her wrist. She is in a cast for the next 3 weeks! Fortunately now days they can make the casts so that they are waterproof! So she will still be able to swim. Never a dull moment around here!


Janine said...

Wow! That is a war story for sure. She makes the cast look good!

Unknown said...

That has to be the cutest cast I've ever seen!!!! Kerrin you're a trooper!!

Collin & Liana Kraus said...

Kerrin, I'm so sorry you're in a cast, but the cast IS pretty cool! I miss u & can't wait to see you soon!!!
- Collin