Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tubby time girls! Also, vote on baby name!

I am posting a few pictures of my two "peas in a pod" as we like to call them! they do almost everything together!

The new baby should arrive anytime between now and four weeks from now.
Paige Phoebe Penelope Patrice Piper
(Let us know which ones you like! - ...not that Brandon can be swayed anyway.)


Unknown said...

Those cute little girls!!!! They are too adorable!!!! Collin likes Penelope. I like Paige or Penelope. Of course whatever you choose we will love- b/c it's the person who makes the name not the other way around!!!!!

Janine said...


Trust me.

Although, was Piper on your list? I like that too

mb said...


I beat Janine. Booyeah.

Jill Shaner said...

Julia and I discussed this thoroughly. Definitely not Phoebe, since she is scatterbrained on Friends and it's our dog's name (and she's kind of schizoid, too, so it may have been a self-fulfilling thing). We like Paige a lot, but think Patrice fits in well with the unique flair of your other kids' names. And sorry, MB, NOT Penelope, since it might get shortened to Penny, and again--that's a family dog name!

The Johnsons said...

Paige is my first choice and Piper number two. But I agree with Aunt Jill - think about what they can be shortened to and I think these two still come out on top. You're pretty safe with Paige, but Piper might end up being "Pip" like Pippy Longstockings or Pip-squeak (which is cute). :) Good luck!

Mallory said...

I like Penelope and Piper. You have such cute kids!

Unknown said...

Penelope or Piper is my vote.

Nicci (Aunt Nauni) said...

I still like Pennelapeach! But for real I am going with Penelope. I second Maribeth and add one more. But they are all great. Is Brandon still intent on Paige? And Piper? I didn't know that was a choice. Like (Pipe-er)? Anyway, I just can't wait to see the little sweet heart. I miss you guys